Monday, 7 November 2011

Social Media Propaganda Posters (Article Two)
Found The artist Aaron Wood on Google+

I think these graphic design posters are Looovely,
& since we're doing a Psych/Tech course I think they're really relevant to us as regards to social networking and the psychology behind them and their users. Also, they tie in with Multimedia and graphic design in our study of attracting and influencing an audience with graphics and typography.
The artist Aaron Wood calls them Social Media Propaganda posters, They recreate political propaganda posters used to persuade an audience to a certain way of thinking. Reminicent of Goebells propaganda campaign for Nazi Germany, Propaganda in Soviet Russia, Conscription in Britain and Ireland and other worldwide successful poster campaigns that have influenced masses throughout history.

Could social networking be the new medium for brainwashing, loss of self or even cult of personality?
 Watch out ;)